Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cause of SIDS Could Be Supernatural

I know this sounds far-fetched in a postmodern, scientific world we live in today, but the true cause of SIDS, often known as "crib death", cannot be explained by science and medicine. Every year, many thousands of perfectly healthy babies die in their sleep every year for no apparent or explainable reason. Many thousands of autopsies done on these little victims fail to reveal a true cause of death; for example, an underlying disease. As open-minded individuals, if we can't find any explanation in the natural realm, then the answer may lie in the supernatural realm.

This article I found on a Christian site about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome states that the cause of SIDS may be demonic, given the aforementioned facts. According to Jewish texts, there is a demon named Lilith who is said to be Adam's first wife before Eve (full description of her here). She hates children and therefore kills them. When you read the article, don't stop reading in the middle because the creepiest part is at the end! Also, you might want to turn your speakers off because the site is a singing website. In other words, it has midi music playing continuously.

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