Thursday, December 2, 2010

Creepy Faces in Creepy Abandoned Houses

We see them in every town, and you may have one in your own neighborhood. Yes, I'm talking about creepy, run-down, abandoned old houses. Not surprisingly, some of them are haunted. The very advanced age and ramshackle condition are enough to make a house creepy, whether someone lives in it or not. When such a dwelling is abandoned, the creepiness factor automatically rises. Add to that a creepy ghost face staring at you from a broken window and then your hair will stand up on end.

First, I'd like to present some hair-raising videos of some hair-raising abandonments. Special thanks to YouTube and the people who made these videos and posted them.

There are many more videos like this, but I'll save them for another post. Let's move on to some photographs! Special thanks to Jim Eaton and the people who submitted these to his site

Abandoned House Has Occupant
Ghost in Abandoned House
Not So Vacant Trailer
Would You Rent This House?
Big Ghost in the Window - Not run-down or abandoned, but haunted
Spirit Taking Residence - Not run-down or abandoned either, but haunted anyway
Haunted House Being Moved

Our last stop is my virtual archives library. Here we have some spine-tingling real-life stories from the past involving abandoned haunted houses. Special thanks to the archives people at Unsolved Mysteries and all the writers of the following stories.

The Fiery Image in the Old Abandoned House
Was There Really a Party in the Abandoned House?
Vacant House....I Think Not!
My Stories from a Haunted House I Frequent
The Old Haunted House....Lovable Lion
The Potter House, Bowling Green OH
The House of Murder
The House, the Spirit, the Dream, the Attack, and the Truth
Don't Let Go of My Hand!

WHEW! That's gonna be all for now. Enjoy!

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